Temecula, California - Flight

19/02/2016 - 09:30 - Andrew Holly

I should probably try and stop every blog from starting with ’...another amazing flight......’ We took off this morning alongside one of eight local balloons from a beautiful area within the winery region in Temecula California. Beautiful clear skies flying up to 6000ft we had views over the mountains, some of which have snow on them, as well as all of the local vineyards and wineries. We had a special guest this morning, Adriana Llado Gambin who is the daughter of Josep, owner of Ultramagic Balloons, one of our project supporters. We flew for 70 minutes looping back over the launch site before landing on the winery launch site where some of the other balloons had flown from. Fabulous flight in blazing sunshine and state number 10! Double figures!